Floral Separator
7 Things to do before Leaving your Job!
Plan out what you will do prior to leaving your job!
Floral Separator
Make a Plan
You should tally all the expenses, the savings as well the monthly income!
Floral Separator
Figure out Your Finances
Leaving the job in hand should fetch you with greater benefits!
Floral Separator
Get information about your benefits
Instead of telling your colleagues, directly go for the boss or InCharge person!
Floral Separator
Tell Your Boss
Recommendations can make the seeking process much easy!
Floral Separator
References and Recommendations
Write a Resignation Letter
no matter if you have told the boss!
Floral Separator
Write a Resignation Letter
Be sturdy on your decision and do not fumble when countered with a better offer!
Floral Separator
Don’t Accept the Counteroffer
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7 Best Ways to Save Money!
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